Tuesday, May 23, 2006

shoot my head

available's sucks!
this "sitting 8 hours in the same place doing nothing" begin to kill me. slowly but sure.
if there's no one who can give me some jobs to do, i'm gonna shoot my head.
it's easy. all i have to do is :
- ask the permission of gun possession
- buy a gun and the bullets
- learn how to shoot in the head
- write a letter for my family
- shoot my head
it's easy, right?!
okay, maybe it's not that easy. the way get the permission from the police department seems to be a little bit complicated.

me : "minta ijin kepemilikan senjata pak."
the police officer : "buat apa?"
me : "buat nembak kepala saya sendiri."
the police officer : "ga boleh."
me : "okay then. buat nembak kepala orang lain."
the police officer : "tambah ga boleh."
me : "buat jaga diri pak. kalo2 ada orang masuk ke rumah saya."
the police officer : "kamu tinggal dimana emang?"
me : "kost di setiabudi."
the police officer : "ga perlu kalo gitu."
me : "buat nembak kepala bapak."
the police officer : "gimana kalo kepala kamu aja saya tembak?!!"
end of conversation

ok. i'll choose another way instead.
any idea?


Mang Roisz said...


just a lonely post, hahahaa

give your body some shaking, with hitting another people around, or you can choose another one.

Join us at Ajangkita dot Kom,...

u'll find a lot of thing there :D

encep subona said...

lagi bosen nih is.

pindah gawean. masih baru disini, lagi low season pula, jadi ga banyak kerjaan (maksudnya nyaris ga ada sama sekali).

kapan2, kita ketemuan lah ya. bareng anak2 juga.